Swift) 변수, 상수, 배열, Dictionary

2019. 9. 29. 21:29Swift


변수: var

상수: let


var str = "Hello, playgroundff"

str = "Hello, playgroundffffff"



var implicitInteger = 80 //타입을 지정하지 않으면 처음 넣는 값이 타입으로 정해짐

let implicitDouble = 70.0

let explicitDouble:Double = 70 


var k:String

//k="test" //error띄어쓰기까지 check

k = "test"

//k = 0 //error 이미 string타입으로 정해졌기때문에 int형의 값을 넣을 수 없음


var kk : Int

//kk = 9.0 //error 자동 형변환 없음

kk = 9


var j : Double

j = 9.1

j = 10 //*Double형에 int값은 허용함


문자열에 변수함께 출력하기

let label = "The width is "

let width = 98

//let widthLabel = label + width

//error. Binary operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'String' and 'Int'

let widthLabel = label + String(width)

print(widthLabel) // The width is 98


*좀 더 간단한 방법

let apples = 3

let oranges = 5

let appleSummary = "I have \(apples) apples"

let fruitSummary = "I have \(apples+oranges) pieces of fruit."

print(fruitSummary) //I have 8 pieces of fruit

//use \() to include a floating-point calculation in a string


*문자열내에 "사용하기&줄바꿈

let quotaion = """

I said "I have \(apples) apples."

And then I said "I have \(apples+oranges) pieces of fruit."



 I said "I have 3.0 apples."

 And then I said "I have 8.9 pieces of fruit."

//Use three double quotation marks (""") for strings that take up multiple lines



var shoppinglist = ["catfish","water","tulips"]

shoppinglist.append("blue paint")

print(shoppinglist) //["catfish", "water", "tulips", "blue paint"]


shoppinglist[3] = "fffff"

//shoppinglist[4] = "fffffff" 아직없는 인덱스엔 넣을 수 없음

print(shoppinglist) //["catfish", "water", "tulips", "fffff"]


let emptyArray = [String]()


shoppinglist = []


print(shoppinglist) //["000"]



let emptyDictionary = [String: Float]() //[key type: value type]


var occupations = [

    "Malcolm": "Captain",




occupations["jayne"] = "Public Relations"

//array와 달리 dictionary는 새로운 키 사용가능


//occupations=[] error

occupations=[:] //빈 dictinary로

//occupations = [String:Float] //error, 타입변경은 안됨


//occupations["json"] = 88.8 //error, String값만 넣을 수 있음


occupations["json"] = "Friend"

print(occupations) //["json":"Friend"]



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